How to beat the heat when on Alabama’s Coastal Connection

Take a break from the heat and learn about the early life of Coastal Alabama along the Scenic Byway.

Our itineraries can help guide your travels on the Scenic Byway

Alabama’s Coastal Connection Scenic Byway takes you through the beautiful and diverse countryside of coastal Alabama, where you can enjoy the sights and attractions along the way.   

Nature-loving kids and parents will enjoy these educational resources

Add a bit of education to your trip by making connections with history and nature on the Scenic Byway. Just don’t tell the kiddos they may learn something. Although it’s more fun in person, you don’t have to wait until you get here to learn about the oceans and coastal living.   

Take the scenic route on your Independence Day travels

Gulf Shores and Orange Beach are popular destinations for celebrating our nation’s birthday. For those planning a trip to the beach for Independence Day, consider taking the scenic route via Alabama’s Coastal Connection Scenic Byway.   

Take in a little history on your Memorial Weekend getaway

While you are here enjoying family beach time Memorial Day Weekend, carve out some time to explore the historical locations made famous during the Civil War. Meander on your own or follow our Connecting with the Past itinerary. 

Kayak the bays and waterways to view wildlife in its natural habitat

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of our rivers and back bays is in a kayak. Gliding silently, close to the water, you’ll find yourself sharing space with a variety of wildlife. You might even spot a playful dolphin swimming nearby.

Wildflowers take center stage along the Scenic Byway in May

Wildflowers grow all along the byway,  especially in open fields from Grand Bay to Dauphin Island and from Orange Beach to Foley and farther north. On the edges of wetlands and swampy areas, look for the swamp rose mallow, a tall plant with a large, pink, five-petal flower, a favorite summer wildflower on Alabama’s coast.

2021-04-29T13:42:57-05:00May 3rd, 2021|Categories: Connecting with Nature|Tags: , , |
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