As we approach Veteran’s Day, we think a tribute to the soldiers that lived and died along Alabama’s Coastal Connection is in order.
“Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” These are probably the most recognizable words from the Battle of Mobile Bay. Admiral Farragut was within sight of Fort Gaines when he issued this command in August of 1864. After forcing his way through the bay, the Union Army laid siege to Fort Gaines. The fort surrendered Augusts 8, 1864. Alabama’s Coastal Connection Scenic Byway is steeped in military history. Historic battles have been fought along the shores of Coastal Alabama as far back as the War of 1812.
The Battle of Mobile Bay Civil War Trail is more than 90 miles long and stretches from the Gulf of Mexico to north Mobile County. The historic sites along the way include Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan and Historic Blakeley State Park, the site of the last major battle of the Civil War.
The Grand Hotel, along the byway in Point Clear, pays tribute to the military, past and present, each day by firing a Civil War-replica cannon on the edge of Mobile Bay. Daily at 3:45 p.m., reenactors dressed in period costume march from the lobby to the cannon near the croquet lawn. After the presentation, everyone is invited back to the hotel for snacks.