No matter what time of year you vacation in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, it’s always the right temperature to make a splash. Even if the Gulf of Mexico is too cold or the outdoor condo pool is too chilly, there’s plenty of water fun to be had with indoor pool facilities.
Many Gulf Shores condos and Orange Beach hotels offer heated indoor pools so guests can continue to stay in shape during cooler months. Indoor pools are also a plus for winter family vacations. Check the beach lodging directory for the perfect pool property to meet your needs.
Two public facilities, the Bodenhamer Recreation Center in Gulf Shores and the Aquatics Center in Orange Beach, also have pools for public use.
The Bodenhamer Recreation Center offers lap swimming and a variety of classes ranging from water aerobics, aqua jogging, liquid Pilates to deep water aerobics and aqua Zumba. Memberships are available to permanent residents and nonresidents or the facility may be accessed with daily, monthly or quarterly fees.
The Orange Beach Aquatics Center also offers indoor swimming, classes and an 11 ½-foot diving well. The facility and classes may also be accessed through nominal fees.
Improve your stroke or maintain your heart-healthy lifestyle with regular workouts in the pool at your home-away-from-home.