Alabama’s Coastal Connection Scenic Byway connects us with nature via a variety of habitats and opportunities for exploration. It’s essential that we all do our part to preserve natural resources. The diverse plants and wildlife can only thrive if we protect the beautiful waters and shorelines.

Below are a few practices to follow when traveling the byway.

  1. Avoid walking on vegetation. The dunes are fragile and held up by the plant roots.
  2. Do not bother bird nesting areas – plan to explore away from them. Keep an eye out for nests in the ground that might be blended in with the vegetation.
  3. Dispose of all trash. If you see any garbage lying around, please pick it up.
  4. Use a disposable bag when possible to carry your shopping purchases. This cuts down on plastic waste.
  5. Avoid removing shells, driftwood, or other items you may find. These items are part of the protected natural ecosystem.

To get more involved in preserving the area’s natural habitat, stay informed of the latest news and participate in our efforts

By following these guidelines, Alabama’s Coastal Connection Scenic Byway can continue to be home to native wildlife and be enjoyed by others for generations to come.